Linux Fundamentals, GL120


Dieser 5-Tages-Kurs vermittelt den Teilnehmern grundlegendes Linux-Wissen für und aus der Praxis. In diesem Kurs werden die grundlegenden Eigenschaften und der Umgang mit Linux Betriebssystemen vermittelt. Konzepte von Betriebs- und Filesystemen und vieles mehr werden genauso unterrichtet, wie das Arbeiten mit den wichtigsten Tools, welche Linux zur Verfügung stellt. Um einen nachhaltigen Lerneffekt zu erzielen werden Übungen zu jedem behandelten Kapitel durchgeführt. Das erlernte, theoretische Wissen wird praktisch vertieft. Die Kursunterlagen sind von hoher Qualität und für Red Hat Enterprise Linux / CentOS, SuSE Linux Enterprise und Ubuntu geschrieben.


Benutzer ohne Unix-Erfahrung oder Einsteiger, die Linux-Systeme in der Praxis kennenlernen wollen.


Sie erwerben das Grundwissen über den Aufbau und die Funktionen von Linux und kennen den Basis-Befehlsumfang. Sie können eine Linux-Workstation installieren und konfigurieren.

Nach dem Kurs sind die Teilnehmer mit den wichtigsten Linux-Eigenschaften vertraut und sind in der Lage, Linux erfolgreich zu installieren.

Unterstützte Distributionen:
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • CentOS
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise
  • Ubuntu

Diese Schulung gehört zu folgendem Bildungsweg:

Weitere Bildungswege entnehmen Sie bitte im Register "Weiterführende Kurse".



  • What is Linux?
    1. Unix and its Design Principles
    2. FSF and GNU
    3. GPL – General Public License
    4. The Linux Kernel
    5. Linux Kernel and Versioning
    6. Components of a Distribution
    7. Slackware
    8. SUSE Linux Products
    9. Debian
    10. Ubuntu
    11. Red Hat Linux Products
    12. Oracle Linux
  • Login and Exploration
    1. Logging In
    2. Running Programs
    3. Interacting with Command Line
    4. Desktop Environments
    5. GNOME
    6. Starting X
    7. Gathering Login Session Info
    8. Gathering System Info
    9. uptime & w
    10. got root?
    11. Switching User Contexts
    12. sudo
    13. Help from Commands and Documentation
    14. whereis
    15. Getting Help Within the Graphical Desktop
    16. Getting Help with man & info
  • The Linux Filesystem
    1. Filesystem Support
    2. Unix/Linux Filesystem Features
    3. Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
    4. Navigating the Filesystem
    5. Displaying Directory Contents
    6. Filesystem Structures
    7. Determining Disk Usage With df and du
    8. Determining Disk Usage (GUI)
    9. Disk Usage with Quotas
    10. File Ownership
    11. Default Group Ownership
    12. File and Directory Permissions
    13. File Creation Permissions with umask
    14. SUID and SGID on files
    15. SGID and Sticky Bit on Directories
    16. Changing File Permissions
    17. User Private Group Scheme
  • Manipulating Files
    1. Directory Manipulation
    2. File Manipulation
    3. Deleting and Creating Files
    4. Managing Files Graphically
    5. Drag and drop with Nautilus
    6. Physical Unix File Structure
    7. Filesystem Links
    8. File Extensions and Content
    9. Displaying Files
    10. Previewing Files
    11. Producing File Statistics
    12. Displaying Binary Files
    13. Searching the Filesystem
    14. Alternate Search Method
  • Shell Basics
    1. Role of Command Shell
    2. Communication Channels
    3. File Redirection
    4. Piping Commands Together
    5. Filename Matching
    6. File Globbing and Wildcard Patterns
    7. Brace Expansion
    8. Shell and Environment Variables
    9. Key Environment Variables
    10. Which and Type
    11. General Quoting Rules
    12. Nesting Commands
  • Archiving and Compression
    1. Archives with tar
    2. Archives with cpio
    3. The gzip Compression Utility
    4. The bzip2 Compression Utility
    5. The XZ Compression Utility
    6. The PKZIP Archiving/Compression format
    7. GNOME File Roller
  • Text Processing
    1. Searching Inside Files
    2. The Streaming Editor
    3. Text Processing with Awk
    4. Replacing Text Characters
    5. Text Sorting
    6. Duplicate Removal Utility
    7. Extracting Columns of Text
    8. Combining Files and Merging Text
    9. Comparing File Changes
  • Regular Expressions
    1. Regular Expression Overview
    2. Regular Expressions
    3. RE Character Classes
    4. Regex Quantifiers
    5. RE Parenthesis
  • Text Editing
    1. Text Editing
    2. Pico/GNU Nano
    3. Pico/Nano Interface
    4. Nano configuration
    5. Pico/Nano Shortcuts
    6. vi and Vim
    7. Learning Vim
    8. Basic vi
    9. Intermediate vi
  • Messaging
    1. System Messaging Commands
    2. Controlling System Messaging
    3. Internet Relay Chat
    4. Instant Messenger Clients
    5. Electronic Mail
    6. Sending Email with sendmail
    7. Sending and Receiving Email with mailx
    8. Sending and Receiving Email with mutt
    9. Sending Email with Pine
    10. Evolution
  • Command Shells
    1. Shells
    2. Identifying the Shell
    3. Changing the Shell
    4. Configuration Files
    5. Script Execution
    6. Shell Prompts
    7. Bash: Bourne-Again Shell
    8. Bash: Configuration Files
    9. Bash: Command Line History
    10. Bash: Command Editing
    11. Bash: Command Completion
    12. Bash: "shortcuts"
    13. Bash: prompt
    14. Setting Resource Limits via ulimit
  • Introduction to Shell Scripting
    1. Shell Script Strengths and Weaknesses
    2. Example Shell Script
    3. Positional Parameters
    4. Input & Output
    5. Doing Math
    6. Exit Status
    7. Comparisons with test
    8. Conditional Statements
    9. Flow Control: case
    10. The borne for-Loop
    11. The while and until Loops
  • Process Management and Job Control
    1. What is a Process?
    2. Process Lifecycle
    3. Process States
    4. Viewing Processes
    5. Signals
    6. Tools to Send Signals
    7. nohup and disown
    8. Managing Processes
    9. Tuning Process Scheduling
    10. Job Control Overview
    11. Job Control Commands
    12. Persistent Shell Sessions with Screen
    13. Using screen
    14. Advanced Screen
  • At and Cron
    1. Automating Tasks
    2. at/batch
    3. cron
    4. The crontab Command
    5. crontab Format
    6. /etc/cron.*/ Directories
    7. Anacron
  • Managing Software
    1. Downloading with FTP
    2. FTP
    3. lftp
    4. Command Line Internet – Non-interactive
    5. Command Line Internet – Interactive
    6. Managing Software Dependencies
    7. Using the Yum command
    8. Using Yum history
    9. YUM package groups
    10. Configuring Yum
    11. yumdownloader
    12. Popular Yum Repositories
    13. Using the Zypper command
    14. Zypper Services and Catalogs
    15. The dselect & APT Frontends to dpkg
    16. Aptitude
    17. Configuring APT
  • The Secure Shell (SSH)
    1. Secure Shell
    2. OpenSSH Client & Server Configuration
    3. Accessing Remote Shells
    4. Transferring Files
    5. Alternative sftp Clients
    6. SSH Key Management
    7. ssh-agent
  • Mounting Filesystems & Managing Removable Media
    1. Filesystems Concept Review
    2. Mounting Filesystems
    3. NFS
    4. SMB
    5. Filesystem Table (/etc/fstab)
    6. AutoFS
    7. Removable Media
  • Printing
    1. Legacy Print Systems
    2. Common UNIX Printing System
    3. Defining a Printer
    4. Standard Print Commands
    5. Format Conversion Utilities
    6. enscript and mpage

  • The X Window System
    1. The X Window System
    2. X Modularity
    3. X.Org Drivers
    4. Configuring X Manually
    5. Automatic X Configuration
    6. Xorg and Fonts
    7. Installing Fonts for Modern Applications
    8. Installing Fonts for Legacy Applications
    9. The X11 Protocol and Display Names
    10. Display Managers and Graphical Login
    11. Starting X Apps Automatically
    12. X Access Control
    13. Remote X Access (historical/insecure)
    14. Remote X Access (modern/secure)
    15. XDMCP
    16. Remote Graphical Access With VNC and RDP
    17. Specialized X Servers
  1. Emacs
    1. Emacs
    2. The Emacs Interface
    3. Basic Emacs
    4. More Emacs Commands


Vorbereitung für:
  • LPI 101 LPIC-1 Exam Prep (Part 1)
  • LPI 102 LPIC-1 Exam Prep (Part 2)

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